Yoga is an extensive mind and body developing exercise, it has been recommended to promote relaxation, reduce stress and improve some medical conditions. Yoga also has the ability to boost your sex life. How?

  • It boost stamina.
  • It increases muscle control.
  • It improves strength and flexibility.
  • It builds endurance.

So I’m going to be sharing with you five yoga exercises that would do wonders to your sex life.

  • Sitting Wide-Legged Straddle Pose:yoga

In a sitting position with flex feet, spread your legs as far as you can, comfortably. Engage your thigh muscles as you press your legs into the floor. Then, hinge forward from your hips as far as you can, drawing your chest downward. Hold on for 10-15 breaths.

Tip: This really heats the groin area and opens the hips for a wider range of motion.

  • Downward Dog Pose:

Begin on the floor on your hands and knees, push your hips back while straightening your legs. You should end up with your butt in the air.

Tip: It slowly warms up your body and helps you tune into the moment.

  • Cat/Cow Stretch:yoga

Begin on hands and knees, let your shoulder be directly over your wrist, and your hips directly over your knees. Inhale, then slowly arch back (cow), lifting chest up and away from belly, and then extending tail bone towards the ceiling. Release feet so tops are resting on the floor.  Exhale, and round lower back up (Cat), gently contracting your belly. Do this six times and increase range of motion with each repetition.

Tip: You strengthen your Kegel muscles as you curl from cat to cow.

  • Bound Angle:yoga

In a seated position, bring the sole of your feet together and place your hands on your ankles. Allow your knees to relax on the floor, then hinge forward from your hips as far as you can. Hold on for 10-15 breaths.

Tip: This really heats the groin area and opens the hips for a wider range of motion.

  • Bridge:bridge

Begin on the floor on your back. Gently, with bent knees, lift your butt until your thighs are parallel to the floor, forming a bridge. Hold this pose for 30 second to 1 minute.

Tip: The bridge pose targets the muscles of the pelvic floor, which leads to stronger and more controlled orgasm.

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