Anyone who has come across a picture of this guy knows he is full of good vibes, style, self-expression and individuality. Born Denola Adeputun, the fashion consultant, media presenter, style blogger and writer has become a personal brand to be reckoned with.
One of the sexy things about this stylist is the mystery behind his personal life, I mean I could literarily dig up the internet for hours and come up with nothing personal. Denola Grey doesn’t just have a love for style, he interprets his passion in his outfits.

Good looks, picture perfect posse, stylish and all shades of sex appeal has me gushing over his picture. He defines his style as clean, cut, suave and peppy. In every outfit he screams- sexy is not always physically bold, sexy is rocking confidence.

There have been several questions about his sexuality, as to whether he is gay or straight, and no information to answer those questions asked. Gay, straight or metrosexual to me, Denola Grey’s creativity and sexual appeal seconds none.

I mean who doesn’t love the aura of mystery behind a man, I find it incredibly sexy

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