How to try yoni steaming safely at home

In our last blog post we talked about the benefits of yoni steaming and why it should be on the list of self care ideas for you. Check out this post to know more about Yoni steaming

Yoni steaming or Vaginal steaming is an ancient remedy used in ancient times for cleansing the female reproductive system. And has also been proven to help alleviate symptoms such as menstrual cramps, infertility, vaginal dryness and menopausal symptoms among others. A yoni steam can be done in a spa or in the comfort of your home if you want to try it yourself.

But the big question is, how do you steam safely at home without hurting yourself. or scalding your vagina with the steam. Not to worry, we are here to walk you through what you need and how to begin.

Items needed for a yoni steam

  1. Organic herbs
  2. Hot water
  3. A steaming chair
  4. A blanket
  5. Socks or scarves (optional).

Directions for yoni steam

  1. Pour your organic steaming herbs into a bowl of boiling water.
  2. Bring water to boil for 2 minutes.
  3. Test the temperature of the steam before using it. If it feels too hot, wait for few seconds before you use it again.
  4. Pour the mix into your steaming basin.
  5. Take off your underwear and stand or squat over the seat for 15- 20 minutes.
  6. Drop a large blanket or sheet around the waist down to the floor to make sure no steam escapes.
  7. For comfort, place the basin in the toilet and then sit on the toilet.
  8. Wear a socks or scarf on your neck and feet to prevent the cold from getting into your body while trying to warm it.

In these 8 easy steps you can start your vaginal steaming from the comfort of your home.

 A yoni steam can be done by every woman but should be avoided if:

  • You are pregnant
  • You are bleeding
  • You have a vaginal infection or an open wound
  • After ovulation
  • You have an IUD or any contraceptive device

If you are new to steaming, have a professional take care of your needs. Book a service here now. Or shop the website at to try self steaming from the comfort of your house.

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