6 tips to increase your chances of an orgasm

Every week I receive messages from women asking me about tips to help them orgasm more whenever they have sex. How do I increase my chances of orgasm’ For some of these women orgasm isn’t difficult but they are not sure of it every time while for others, it’s as rare as anything you can think of. Although orgasm is the aim of every of sexual encounter but no one can deny that the feeling of an orgasm is always definitely lit.

These messages have motivated me to widen my research in order to find a lasting solution to help women orgasm more easily during sexual encounters.

Here are 6 easy tips to increase your chances of orgasm.

Self-body exploration

To increase your chances of orgasm, get to know yourself and your body in one piece. Knowledge of the body is very important especially when it has to do with the genitals. Most people are ashamed of their vagina and do not even know what it looks like if lined with other vaginas. To enjoy better sex you have to understand what turns you on. Explore your genitals today and get comfortable with what it looks like. Use a mirror to look at it, play with it and study it. Getting comfortable with your body can help you relax easily with a partner. Plus through masturbating you can easily communicate with your partner what you like.

Exercise your pelvic floor

Nothing screams intense orgasm like having a strong pelvic floor. This already increases your chances of orgasm by 80% To get a strong pelvic floor, you need a regular kegel routine. Kegel exercises have many benefits, one of which is strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. And a stronger pelvic floor equates better lubrication during sex, improved arousal and stronger orgasms of course. Here’s how to get started with kegels the right way. Note that to reap the benefits of kegels you have to be consistent in your kegels. Using kegel balls can make it easier to exercise your pelvic floor. Plus it is faster and more effective to do.


Increase foreplay time

Devote more time to foreplay with a partner, make it the main dish. Most women take a longer time for the body to be aroused and ready for sex. If this is you, don’t be ashamed to ask for more foreplay from your partner. Create bonding sessions with each other and spend time exploring each other’s hot zones without penetrative sex.  Checkout these great foreplay ideas you can try out in the bedroom.


Turn on your vibrators

Use sex toys to discover more hot zones in your body. Experiment with different sensations until you find the one for you. Don’t be afraid of getting things going with toys either alone or with your partner. Using your toys can make it easier for you to know what you enjoy during sex. You can also use it with your partner to keep the fun going in the bedroom.


The brain is the biggest sex organ and most times arousal begins in the mind. So stop allowing yourself drift off without warning during sex and stay focused in the moment. Practice how to stay focused by yourself without a partner by practicing mindfulness or through meditation.

Stop modelling

Come on, its sex not a modelling competition, you don’t need to keep worrying about your looks. Or if your stomach looks perfect or you are in the right angle. Being too conscious about your looks will take the fun out of the sex. It’s okay for your hair to be tousled, you are not acting out a Nollywood scene. Resist the urge to focus on your body and shift your focus to your partner and the sex at that point in time.

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