Dear Mahogany,
The last 3 years I was single, I didn’t date anybody but I had flings and few friends with benefits and was all.
This year I met an amazing guy. We instantly clicked and now we are dating. My problem now is that during sex, he doesn’t cum quick. He can go as long as 15-30 minutes without ejaculating.
I know most girls do not like a 3 minutes, 5 minutes men, but I do. How do I satisfy my man? I get tired during intense penetration and it’s sometimes painful and I need to take a break before we continue.
Even after the break, he still won’t cum, and I feel bad because I couldn’t satisfy him. What do I do? How do I last longer in bed? Is there a drug or something I can use?
Olabisi, 26.

Dear Olabisi,

For starters, most girls believe that the longer the sex is, the better it turns out to be. Most guys have this mentality and are always on the drive to impress their women, and by impressing their woman they make use of sex drugs and other stimulants to avoid being called an indomie man.

Baby girl, you have to make sure he doesn’t feel he has to run a marathon just to impress you.
3 Quick tips:
Increase foreplay time to reduce the time of penetrative sex
Mix in foreplay in between – foreplay can continue through the whole time. Stop him midway with a kiss, a little head game in between etc
Get him to cum when you  do -Guys like this, may really enjoy sex with you too much to want to cum too early. Telling him to cum when you are about to, may do the trick.

Much love,

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