Dear Mahogany,
I met this girl some months back and we have been vibbing really good. I enjoy her company and she does too, especially when we start talking about sex. We have both discussed our sexual fantasies and history and from our conversation she always hints about how much she loves big dicks. Even when she wants to watch porn, she prefers guys with huge penis. My dick size is normal, not as big as the guys in her fantasies but I know I can give her the pleasure she wants. We are meant to meet next week and I know we may get physical but I’m scared because she may get discouraged at the size of my dick.
Does the size really matter; I don’t want to mess up my game from anxiety.
Fred, 27.

Dear Fred
Thanks for contacting us. Sex is all about satisfaction and every woman would choose satisfaction over size.
Women may be fascinated by the size of the dick because it is believed that the bigger the size of the dick, the deeper the penetration and the greater the sex. A woman would want to say she had a womb shift while banging a huge dick, but she would prefer saying she had multiple orgasms instead. Yes, the size of the dick matters to women because, most guys with smaller dick sizes may not be able to thrust deeply in some positions, which may be a major turn off for most women.
I would advise you find out what she likes, understand her sexual needs and capitalize on them during lovemaking. The more confident you appear to know what you are doing and you know how to use your tool the better the sex. We wouldn’t want to have a jittery man shaking like it’s first time of seeing a pussy instead of owning it and treating her right.
You don’t have to fret Fred, don’t be ashamed of what your size may be, remember that most porn stars we drool over may not have gotten theirs naturally, be proud of whatever size you come in. And if your ‘normal’ size is above average, you have nothing to be scared of.
I wish you an exciting sexual voyage with happy results.
Love as always,

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