6 Things you need for an erotic vacation this Christmas

Getting set for a vacation can be fun however, knowing what to pack for engaging erotic vacation is highly important. Most people know what to pack to make themselves comfortable but when it comes to making the vacation memorable and erotic we depend on just sex! Here is a compilation of things that will make your vacation a memorable one.

Ring for Sex

Imagine having a special way of calling for sex! Invite your partner to an erotic encounter in Style and the memory will linger. Little things like this make your vacation more interesting and engaging


A Santa Roleplay Costume

What’s an erotic Christmas vacation without a feel of the sexy Santa! Surprise your partner with an erotic dance in a sexy Santa costume and watch his excitement


Water-based Lubricants

Ever heard the phrase ” Dry moments not allowed” This is not just referring to when you are trying to have fun, it also refers to when you are making love, ensure there is wetness with water-based lubricants. The thing about lubricants is that using it doesn’t mean you are perpetually dry, it just makes the sexual experience more pleasurable. Remember to always use water-based lubricants only or better still use organic water-based.

The thing about lubricants is that using it doesn’t mean you are perpetually dry, it just makes the sexual experience more pleasurable.



Aphrodisiacs makes something sweet sweeter! Remember you are packing for an erotic vacation, your body needs to be as active as your imaginations! Most times the mind is ready for all the sexual rump but your body just doesn’t get the memo, Aphrodisiacs help your body respond to sex in the most amazing ways.


BDSM Props

What better time is there to try new things! If you are new to BDSM, you can start with beginner props like cuffs, flirty paddles and blind folds, a little bit of exploration wont hurt


Sex 365 Dare You To- Erotic Book

The Sex 365 Dare You To Erotic Book contains 365 live picture of dares, games and sexual escapades. The book will keep your hands on each others body for a long time!


In all, erotic vacations are so much fun but they can get boring if you do not have fun activities lined up for you and your partner. If your vacation is a short one I am sure one or two of these tips would make it memorable.

READ – Cute Sex themed gift ideas for Christmas

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