Everybody goes through a stage of transitioning in life. A stage where we transition from one position to the other, moving from one stage to the next stage, even our body undergoes transition process, and so does our sex life and relationships.

During separation or break ups, many people find it hard to get their vibe back or become sexually active with any other person for a long period of time. Especially people who are faithful, and keep only one partner. So when they end their relationship with their partner, their sex life tends to deteriorate, until they can find someone else who can provide the vibe or drive, that their former partner or lover was giving them.

Transition period can be very difficult and depressing if not managed properly. Even though it can last for a long period of time, there are ways to manage it. First I would like to share with you some signs that would indicate that you are undergoing transitioning.


  • When the thoughts of sex and anything related gets you upset: You become very irritable at the slightest signs of anything sexual e.g. articles, videos, talks, masturbation, anything.
  • You find it hard to masturbate or play with yourself: You only want to feel another persons’ body, and you want someone to explore your body. You might even find masturbation quite annoying.
  • You are not sexually attracted to the people you normally would be: All form of sexual appeal is dead and you no longer find people sexually attractive
  • You experience dry vagina or Vaginismus: If you are the type of person that gets easily aroused and wet when you think about sex, you would start experiencing dry vagina and vaginismus instead. For men, erectile dysfunction might be the case.


Going through transitioning isn’t something you should panic about, it would wear out with time. But I suggest you take the following steps:transitioning

  • Get busy with something else: Instead of panicking and getting worried over your transition process, get busy with new activities. Get a new hobby, if possible, change your routine.
  • Stay off anything that would get you horny for the time being: Personally, I would recommend that you stay off anything that has to do with sex for the main time. Since getting horny might only get you frustrated and cranky.
  • Socialize more: Get more active on social media, meet new people, and make new friends. These are some of the ways you will probably get a new sex partner, but it would most definitely make transitioning easier for you.
  • Exercise: you will definitely need to work your body. Exercising is a good recovery technique, you should try it.
  • Eat more aphrodisiacs: I said stay off anything that would get you horny for the time being, but this doesn’t mean stay off aphrodisiacs. This also doesn’t mean that you should deliberately make your meals strictly aphrodisiacs. You can imbibe one or two aphrodisiacs into your meals. Aphrodisiacs are healthy, they release feel good hormones, and they would definitely make transition easier for you.


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