Top 5 aphrodisiacs in your kitchen that are great for your sexual health

Nature is blessed with almost all you need for your sexual health and sex life to be beautiful and something you can look forward forward to. There are certain food/fruit items in your kitchen that you might need to eat more purposefully than before. In this article, I will be sharing 5 aphrodisiacs you have in your kitchen that you did not know can make your sex life better!


1. Apple

It is fondly said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away but now you can conveniently say an apple a day keeps you your yoni happy! According to the  an article published by National Library of Medicine, women who ate an apple once a day had better sex lives. One phytoestrogen phloridzin found in apples is thought to promote better sexual function, arousal, lubrication, and ability to orgasm which is totally amazing! So now you know how important apple is to your sexual health.


2. Yoghurt

Ever wondered why yoghurts are usually prescribed as the best mixing agent for certain aphrodisiacs? This is because yoghurt belongs to a class of probiotics-rich foods comparatively fermented foods which yoghurt belongs to. Probiotics are good for balancing your pH level and help prevent infections. The properties in yoghurt provides our bodies with a boost of good bacteria, which is particularly helpful in preventing yeast infections. Even better, calcium which are active ingredients in yogurt. So don’t forget to add yoghurt to your smoothie tonight!

3. Water melon

Watermelon is such a juicy and delicious fruit that has a truck load of benefits and one of them is the to stimulate sexual arousal in especially men. Citrulline is an amino acid found in watermelon and it is known to relax and dilate blood vessels which increases blood flow and helps stimulate sexual arousal which is similar to what male enhancement drugs do.

4. Cranberries

Cranberries are one of the most famous vaginal health care fruits that has been scientifically proven have strong acidic compounds that fight bacteria and also contain powerful antioxidants, vitamin C and E to boost your immunity. Cranberries can be a bit sour(In my own opinion) so you can include it in a smoothie to make up a yummy mix!


5. Avocados

Avocado is super recommended if you are looking for natural and easy to reach options to help you enjoy your sex life. Avocado contains healthy fats like vitamin B-6, and potassium that boost your libido. Avocado is also known to enhance lubrication and strengthen the vaginal walls which can promote stronger orgasms.

Pro tip: taking water regularly will not just improve your well being generally, drinking Water before sex helps you get really wet and it increases your chances of squirting.

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