One day I came across this question on twitter. “What makes a person’s vagina dry up during sex?” I made some research and I’ve decided to share my findings.

But first of all, what is vagina dryness?

Vaginal dryness is simply what it is, dry vagina, lack of moisture in the vagina. When the tissues of the vagina are not well lubricated and healthy. Vagina dryness is a common problem and most women experience it at the start of menopause. However, it can happen at any age. A dry vagina could result in itching, burning, mild discharge, mild bleeding and pain during sex due to chafing or tearing of the vaginal lining and frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Vaginal dryness could affect your relationship with your partner and can also lead to bacterial or yeast infection.


  • LOW ESTROGEN LEVELS: Estrogen is a hormone which that helps keep the vagina lubricated and healthy. If your estrogen levels drop, you don’t get that wetness or lubrication that doubles as a vaginal protection. Now women in menopause experience vagina dryness because the estrogen level is expected to drop at this biological stage. Other factors that could reduce your estrogen levels are; childbirth, breastfeeding, smoking, chemotherapy, surgical removal of ovaries, certain immune disorder and anti-estrogen medications.

Solution: Topical estrogen can help alleviate symptoms of vagina dryness. It is available as a tablet, cream, suppository, or ring that is placed directly into the vagina. But be sure to talk to your doctor before using any form of treatment.

  • DOUCHING AND OTHER IRRITANTS: Certain soaps, lotions, perfumes, and douches can disrupt the natural balance of chemicals in your vagina, leading to dryness.

Solution: Avoid putting things inside your ladybits, even perfumes or dyes on things that touch your vagina like panties or towels can mess you up. The vagina is self-cleaning, so liberate yourself from all those douches or vaginal perfumes and whatever.

  • MEDICATIONS: Some drugs containing antihistamines found in allergy and cold medications could have drying effects on the body. They contribute to reduced vaginal lubrication. Certain antidepressants and asthma medication may also lead to reduction in vaginal secretion.

Solution: You could talk to your doctor to change your medications if you are not comfortable with the side effects.

  • ANXIETY AND STRESS: When you are anxious or stressed out, you feel less in the mood and your body produces higher levels of a hormone called epinephrine. This hormone is naturally in your body, but when it hits high levels it interferes with your sexual response and could induce vaginal dryness.

Solution: Everybody deals with one form of stress or the other, so it is up to you to know how you are going to manage it. The important thing is to find a healthy mental balance so your body isn’t suffering.

  • INSUFFICIENT AROUSAL: We really have to understand that foreplay is not a waste of time. We understand that men can get into the mood within seconds, but the woman’s body is different. We have to be caressed and cajoled into the mood. A woman has to be excited and the conditions have to be right for her vagina to be well lubricated.

Solution: If your partner doesn’t understand the importance of foreplay, it is important you communicate with him. Let him also understand what you like and dislike. It is important for your health.

  • LOW LIBIDO: If you are doing everything sexy you can possibly think of, and still aren’t getting turned on, you may have low libido. Or maybe you are just not into your partner, or the acts you are performing together

Solution: I will still recommend communicating with your partner, you might be surprised at how much a little open and honest discussion with your partner can turn things around for you.

  • SJOGREN’S SYNDROME: This is a rare autoimmune disease that can cause dryness in the eyes, mouth and vagina.

Solution: If you are experiencing vagina dryness due to Sjogren’s syndrome, your doctor will most likely prescribe you an estrogen cream. There are also a number of suggested vaginal moisturizing products on the market, as well as lubricants to use during sexual activities.

We have been able to share some of the likely causes of virginal dryness during sex. Remember to consult with your doctor before using any form of medication. Also make sure you discuss with your partner to help them understand, and help you.







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