Top 5 Positive effects of solo play (Masturbation) for women

It is no longer uncommon news that women can experience multiple orgasms all alone without the help or contribution of any other person. Lets face it women’s sexual organ was created with the sole intent of providing pleasure. Unlike the male gender whose orgasm is connected to reproduction, the female orgasm is all about pleasure!.

In this article, you will discover positive effects of masturbation or solo play and you will be able to take a stand now for owning your bodies and find the pleasure in them.


Sexual pleasure is the physical and psychological satisfaction and enjoyment derived from shared or solitary erotic experiences, so of course pleasure would be the number one positive effect. The clitoris has about 8,000 nerve endings and when stimulated right the feeling can be out of this world!

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Better Sleep

During the process of Masturbation the climax you experienced involves a lot of muscle spasms and contractions, a rush of blood, and spikes in blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing. All of this can be responsible for a mild fatigue that can help you dash of to sleep in a matter of minutes.

Improve your love for your body

The process of masturbation may differ from person to person, however the effect of masturbation involves you and your body and this makes you mindful of you and helps you appreciate the special features that makes you different, enjoy yourself and celebrate your uniqueness.

Increase your Libido

Doing it alone can help improve your longing for your partner and make things more steamy, When you have the knowledge of what works for you and makes your climax then you will be able to communicate it to your partner and makes you perform better.

Improve sex with your partner

When it comes to sex, a lot of women have confessed to not knowing exactly what they want but they are sure of what they don’t want and that is totally fine! Masturbation helps you discover what really turns you on and what can make you experience climax.


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